About Kharkov City!
Kharkiv (Kharkov) is the second largest city in Ukraine after Kiev. It is an industrial educational and cultural megalopolis with population of around 1.7 million people.
The city is located in the northeastern part of Ukraine, on the border of forest-steppe and steppe zones. It has temperate continental climate with long but not severe winter and warm summer. The coldest month are January and February (-7C), the hottest month are July and August (20C).
The territory of the city is up to 300 sq km but well developed transportation system (buses, trolley buses, trams, underground) makes any part of the city easily accessible. Kharkiv (Kharkov) is one of the greenest cities of Ukraine. It has more then 12000 hectares of parks, alleys and gardens.
Kharkiv (Kharkov) is a city with a remarkable history - in the period between 1917 – 1934 Kharkiv (Kharkov) was the capital of Ukraine.
The Kharkiv (Kharkov) region is situated in the North-East of Ukraine. It borders Belgorod region of Russia in the North and Northeast, Lugansk region in the East, Donetsk region in the Southeast, Dnipropetrovsk region in the Southwest, Poltava and Sumy regions in the West and
Northwest. The territory of Kharkiv (Kharkov) region is 31,400 square kilometers. The extension from North to South is 210 km, from East to West - 220 km
The relief of the region can be referred to as a slightly rolling plain with a small incline to the South-west (towards the Dnepr watercourse) and the Southeast (towards the Don watercourse). In the Northeast the Mid Russian Eminence forms part of the region, in the South there are spurs of the Donets mountain-ridge.
Kharkiv is a big (if not the biggest) centre of science and culture in Ukraine. There are more than 60 scientific research institutes, more than 170 secondary education schools, more than 150 educational centres and special secondary education schools, the number of private and state owned higher education institutions has now reached 80. About 20,000 students graduate yearly from Kharkiv higher education institutions. There are 49 cultural centres and institutions, among them 5 museums, a town art gallery, six major theatres.
The population of Kharkiv (Kharkov) region is about 3,170,000 people. 78.8% of the population lives in towns. The average density of population is 100 people per square kilometer. The region has relatively high level of economic development. One of the major reasons for this is its favorable geographical location. Proximity to coal and metal resources of Donbass and Trans-Dnepr region contributed to the development of mechanical engineering and metal working industries.
The Kharkiv (Kharkov) region agriculture is specialized in grain, sugar beet, sunflower, meat, milk, vegetables, and fruit production. A large selection center "Ukrainka" is known as the R&D center of agricultural science.
Kharkov region has a good transport network, 60% of which is railway. The total railway length comes up to 1442 km! Kharkiv (Kharkov) railway junctions serve 10,000,000 passengers a year. The automobile transport though outstrips the railway in the amount of passenger traffic: buses serve almost 12,000,000 people a year. There are 16 intra-regional, 68 inner regional and 342 district roads. The total length of motorways is 15,000 kilometers. The Kharkiv (Kharkov) airport used to have 200 flights a day; almost all of them were passenger flights.
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